Pest Control Tips

Is something bugging you? Can't identify the pests in your home? Read articles by our pest-control experts to learn more about how to identify pest problems, how your can help keep your home safe from unwanted guests, and when to call a pest management professional to help eliminate a pest problem.

Do Carpenter Bees Eat Wood?

Do Carpenter Bees Eat Wood?

Just by chance, you've spotted a carpenter bee near your wooden deck and it's got you thinking, do these insects eat wood? It's a reasonable concern, as these bees are often seen burrowing into timber structures. You might worry about the potential destruction they could cause to your home in Reston. Well, hold onto that […]

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Do You Need Commercial Pest Control?

Do You Need Commercial Pest Control?

Have you ever considered the potential damage pests could inflict on your business? It's not just the sight of bugs scurrying around that's unsettling, but also the health risks and damage they pose. As a business owner, ensuring a clean, safe environment for your staff and clients is crucial. Commercial pest control can play a […]

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 How To Catch A Mouse

 How To Catch A Mouse

Like an elusive phantom, a mouse in your house can be a sneaky and frustrating adversary. You've seen the signs, haven't you? Nibbled packages in the pantry, droppings in the corners, and that distinctive musky odor? Well, worry not. There are effective strategies for dealing with these little intruders. From selecting the right trap to […]

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Is Carbon Monoxide For Rat Control Effective?

Is Carbon Monoxide For Rat Control Effective?

While the dangers and negative impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a leading cause of global warming are well established, carbon monoxide for rat control have emerged as a positive use of this gas. CO2 can be an effective solution for targeting and eliminating rodents without resorting to pesticides or the safety concerns for pets […]

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What's The Difference Between A Carpenter Bee Vs Bumble Bee?

What's The Difference Between A Carpenter Bee Vs Bumble Bee?

Just as a craftsman differs from a social butterfly, so do carpenter bees and bumble bees in the insect kingdom. You've likely seen both of them buzzing around, but did you know their appearances, behaviors, and roles in our ecosystem vary significantly? Bumble bees, with their fuzzy bodies, are generally peaceful and live communally in […]

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How Do I Protect My Home From Termites?

How Do I Protect My Home From Termites?

Termite infestations, while often subtle in their onset, can result in significant structural damage if left unattended. Understanding their behavior, early identification, and effective extermination techniques are vital in managing these destructive pests. The prevalent Eastern Subterranean Termite, particularly in regions such as Virginia and Maryland, offers a striking example of the potential devastation that […]

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