Organic Pest Control altRecently, a survey regarding organic pest control has been conducted to know if this type of solution indeed works for limiting insect damage in organic vegetable gardens. The survey was a success as there were more than 1,300 gardeners from around North America who responded to it. They were more than willing to provide their insights and suggestions with regards to organic pest control. The survey, however, has its strengths and weaknesses. That is why the efficiency of the different organic methods is quite objective. But one thing’s for sure, through this survey gardeners were able to determine at least 12 kinds of garden pests that they have to deal with.

Top 12 Garden Pests

  • Slugs
  • Squash bugs
  • Aphids
  • Imported cabbageworms
  • Squash vine borers
  • Japanese beetles
  • Tomato hornworms
  • Cutworms
  • Grasshoppers
  • Cucumber beetles
  • Corn earworms
  • Whitefly

Organic Pest Control for the Top 12 Garden Spoilers

Gardeners who are having a problem with Aphids may use insecticidal soap, attract beneficial or use horticultural oil. Armyworms and cabbageworms may be killed by Bt or Bacillus thuringiens, handpicking or row covers. Blister beetles, on the other hand can be dealt with handpicking, neem or poultry predation. If the problem lies with cabbage root maggots and carrot rust flies, then crop rotation, beneficial nematodes and diatomaceous earth is strongly suggested. For Colorado potato beetles, poultry predation, neem and handpicking are the best options. Deal with corn earworms with horticultural oil, beneficial nematodes or Bt. Cucumber beetles can be killed in the same manner as Colorado potato beetles. Cutworms may be dealt with by rigid collars, Bt and diatomaceous earth while flea beetles with insecticidal soap, garlic-pepper spray and row covers. Harlequin bugs and Japanese beetles can be handpicked or terminated by good garden sanitation and milky spore disease. Slugs and snails may also be handpicked or dealt with by iron phosphate slug bait and diatomaceous earth. Most of the garden bugs may be terminated by simple handpicking. However, there are some that really need a more intense treatment.

Proven and Tested Organic Pest Control

According to the survey that was conducted, floating row covers come in first in the list. It also works on most of the garden pests that cause serious plant problems. Pheromone traps and sticky traps are also very helpful. Insecticidal soaps come in fourth place as it is very much available to anyone. It can be found in any supermarket or grocery store. Oil sprays and parasitic nematodes are a must-try as well. And of course, when organic pest control is talked about bacillus thuringiensis or BT may not be forgotten.