You’re walking around your house during a cold night, and you hear a strange noise coming from your basement. You run down to check on it and see a mouse. You walk into the kitchen on an unseasonably warm winter day and find that there are ants crawling all over your walls. Or maybe you turn the lights on at night and find roaches on your kitchen counter. What do you do? Well, for many homeowners, pest control isn’t something they think about until spring or summer rolls around. But pests aren’t restricted by seasonal changes—and neither should you be. Pest control in the winter is definitely a smart approach to protecting your family.

One of the biggest reasons that some homeowners avoid calling in pest control in the winter months is because they assume the pests are hibernating and there’s no need to worry about them. However, this isn’t always the case—many pests stay active in the winter and can still be an issue that needs to be dealt with immediately. If you’re concerned about whether you need pest control in Maryland in the winter or not, these tips can help you make an informed decision about whether it’s necessary or not.

What Pests Are Active During The Winter

As winter approaches, it is easy to assume that bugs and other pests will also be hibernating for a few months. But some pests like cockroaches and rodents actually thrive in colder temperatures, making your home an all-you-can-eat buffet! Some bugs are more active when it’s cold outside, so it’s important to know how to recognize them and keep them out of your home.

Here are 4 common pests you should look out for during these cooler months:

  • Cockroaches. They may be one of America’s favorite foods (although, who would want to eat something with such a filthy reputation?), but roaches don’t just like pizza and beer – they love being warm too! When you see ants crawling through your kitchen or bathroom in the middle of winter, you can guarantee they brought some friends along with them. Roaches need warmth to survive, which means if it gets cold enough where you live, then you might have a bug problem on your hands.
  • Rats and mice. Just like roaches, rats and mice need heat to survive as well as food (yum). Most pests take advantage of uninsulated homes where insulation has worn thin over time or tiny cracks in walls provide access into living areas.
  • Silverfish. Silverfish, a type of insect similar to roaches, feel most comfortable at room temperature. Don’t let their name fool you though; silverfish get their name from their appearance rather than actual color. Silverfish are often mistaken for spiders due to their size and body shape, which tends to creep people out even more! What exactly does silverfish look like? Well, I wouldn’t recommend searching for one to find out, but if you did...silverfish are about half an inch long with two long antennae on top of their heads. Their bodies are covered by what looks like metallic scales, hence their name silverfish. Like roaches and other pests that prefer warmer environments in colder weather, silverfish tend to stay inside during freezing temperatures because they become sluggish once it starts getting really cold. However, since silverfish typically don’t venture far from hiding places indoors anyway, it doesn’t hurt to check around outlets and appliances before bedtime to make sure there aren’t any insects in your home looking for a cozy place to spend some quality time. If any pests do show up unexpectedly during the winter season, check below for tips on how you can address them effectively without calling professionals.
  • Termites. There’s nothing cute and cuddly about termites, but they definitely deserve to make it onto our list. These pests target softwood, hardwood, and lumber found in homes and infestations usually go unnoticed until it’s too late. And while many people think termites are only active in warmer months, termites are active year-round, but often go undetected until they swarm during the warmer months.

Why Pests Are More Active During The Winter

It’s easy to understand why cold-blooded pests are more active when it’s colder outside. When it’s freezing, heat loss is a real problem for animals that are used to cozy, tropical temperatures. Maintaining body temperature takes a lot of effort, and many animals will go to great lengths to find warm spots during cold weather. That includes making their way inside human homes and business establishments through cracks and crevices. Pests are common during the winter months as well because as we spend more time inside there is more food available. In other words, even if your home seems like an impenetrable fortress from a pest control perspective, there’s still plenty of opportunity for unwanted guests.

What To Do If You Find An Infestation Right Now

The first step is to identify what kind of pest you’re dealing with. Next, we want to know why pests are getting into your home, what is attracting pests to your home as well as how are pests getting into your home. Identifying the pest, pest entry points, and what is attracting them are critical to solving the problem.

So, How Can You Keep Pests Out of Your Home? The best way to prevent pests in your home during the winter months is to practice good preventative measures throughout all seasons.

If you see signs of pests in your Maryland, Virginia, or Washington D.C.-area property (roaches especially), you might want to consider contacting the professionals from our team at My Pest Pros today at 703-665-4455!